[FieldTrip] Time series of sources activation by using LCMV Beamformer

Sreenivasan R. Nadar, Ph.D. sreenivasan.r.nadar at gmail.com
Mon Feb 29 13:57:14 CET 2016

Hello Antonietta,

Please find the following link for extracting source time series:


On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 4:31 AM, Antonietta Sorriso <
antonietta.sorriso at uniparthenope.it> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using fieltrip in order to obtain source reconstruction from MEG data.
> I succesfully implemented a code that exploit the function
> ft_sourceanalysis
> for performing beamformer. Unfortunately I was not able to obtain the
> output
> I need, i.e. the time series of sources activation. In particular I only
> was
> able to achieve the mean activation value for each source, divided for
> frequency bands or not, but I found no way for computing the activation
> intensity of each source for each time sample. Is it possible to achieve
> such goal via fieldtrip? If yes, which function and which input parameters
> should I exploit?
> Thanks and best regards
> --
> Antonietta Sorriso
> ​Ph.D. Student
> ​Dipartimento di Ingegneria
> ​Laboratorio di TLC ed Elaborazione Segnali ed Immagini
> ​Centro Direzionale di Napoli, Isola C4, Stanze 326-327, lato Sud, piano 3
> ​80143, Napoli, Italia
> e-mail: antonietta.sorriso at uniparthenope.it
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