[FieldTrip] about leadfield correction following ICA component rejection

Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
Wed Feb 17 09:02:31 CET 2016

Hi Sanghyun,

Although the ‘perceived SNR’ may change when applying the leadfield correction, it is simply biophyisically incorrect, if you DON’T do it.

The reason is the following:
If you remove a component from your channel data, what happens is that each of the resulting EEG/MEG channels reflect the potential difference/magnetic field strength as measured by a referenced electrode or a magnetic field pickup coil at a specific location in space, minus a weighted combination of potential differences/magnetic field strengths measured at all other locations (where the weighting is given by the spatial topography of the component). In other words, you apply an intricate re-referencing scheme/create a complicated synthetic gradiometer sensor. When building your forward model (a.k.a. leadfield), the purpose is to build an accurate model of the spatial distribution of potential differences/magnetic field strengths given what your channel leveld data represents. Since it now represents this re-rereferenced data/synthetic gradients, it needs to be accounted for in the model.


On Feb 15, 2016, at 3:57 AM, Sanghyun Lim <santagravity at gmail.com<mailto:santagravity at gmail.com>> wrote:

Dear fieldtripers,

I recently read a hipp's 2015 paper which asserts that do not modify leadfields after ICA artifact rejection since it could decrease the estimated source SNR.

But by seeing ft_rejectcomponent, fieldtrip recommends modifying leadfields after ICA.
Is there a specific reason to do this?

thanks in advance
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fieldtrip at donders.ru.nl<mailto:fieldtrip at donders.ru.nl>

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