<div>Greetings, my friends!<br><br><br><br><br>What is the rationale behind such standard design for this function? Should there be none, it might be beneficial if it was removed( or at least moved to StdLib ). Better standard behavior might be sought as well.
<br><br>instance toString [x] | toChar x<br> where<br> toString::![x] -> {#Char} | toChar x<br> toString xs = ltosacc 0 xs (createArray l ' ')<br> where<br> l = length xs<br> ltosacc i [h:t] arr = ltosacc (inc i) t {arr & [i]=toChar h}
<br> ltosacc _ [] arr = arr<br><br><br><br><br>All the best!<br></div><span class="sg"><br><br>TK</span>