[clean-list] Clean compilen op Mac

Bas Lijnse b.lijnse at cs.ru.nl
Fri Sep 3 11:58:34 MEST 2010

 Hi Sjors,

cool! By the way, after answering your e-mail I thought about it a
little longer and experimented a bit.
I don't want to discourage you, but getting the linux version to run on
osx is not going to be a trivial task so some things you should be aware
of if you want to take on this challenge (or parts of it).
= Clean has its own runtime system, it is not just using the C-runtime.
Adapting this runtime for OSX is probably not very easy as it appears to
be a mix of C and assemby specifically for linux.
= Even though OSX is basically BSD under the hood and our modern macs
are just Intel 64 bit processors there is still some OS dependent stuff
that needs to be taken into account in the codegenerator I think.

Hopefully John will also reply to the list and give some advice/opinion
about the things you will have to deal with when porting the 64-bit
linux version to OSX.

Good luck! :)

On 03-09-10 11:46, Sjors Gielen wrote:
> Op 3 sep 2010, om 10:13 heeft Bas Lijnse het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi Sjors,
>> I'd love to test your patches on my mac and use as much of my influence as I can to get them in the compiler :)
>> I personally, would love to see the linux and mac versions converge into a version for posix systems that builds both on linux and OSX. I'll talk to John van Groningen (the maintainer of the Clean compiler) about it next week.
> Hi Bas,
> Sorry, only after sending the e-mail I remembered Peter Achten asked me to write the e-mail in English.
> Anyway, great! I will continue my work and will send patches this way as soon as John can merge them in.
> Sjors

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