[clean-list] Assertion failed in backend.c

John van Groningen johnvg at cs.ru.nl
Thu May 14 16:26:21 MEST 2009

Vag wrote:
>module a
>Start = 1
>:: DDD = DDD Dynamic
>Error in backend: File backend.c, Line 986 (!((unsigned int)
>moduleIndex < gBEState.be_nModules))
>Debug ?
>Error in backend: File backend.c, Line 989 (!((unsigned int) typeIndex
>< module->bem_nTypes))
>Debug ?

StdDynamic should be imported to use type Dynamic. The compiler fails
to detect this. I have fixed this in our development version, so that
the compiler now aborts the compilation with a normal error message.

Kind regards,

John van Groningen

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