[clean-list] instance Array {#} a

John van Groningen johnvg at cs.ru.nl
Fri Sep 26 17:29:25 MEST 2008

Erik Zuurbier wrote:

>instance Array {#} a
>has "StdArray:select ({#} a) should not be called" (and the like) 
>for all its member functions.
>The consequence is that a possible compile-time error (which I 
>definitely find in time) is turned into a runtime error, which may 
>wait until production time to cause trouble.
>Why not leave out
>instance Array {#} a

This instance is used by the compiler in dictionaries for Array a e, so
it cannot be removed. The compiler already tries to prevent calls to this
instance. This is possible because the Array class is handled in a special way
by the compiler. So I don't expect that removing this instance from the
definition module will make a difference.

Kind regards,

John van Groningen
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