[clean-list] Passing functions through command line

Willer Alves willeralves@yahoo.com.br
Fri, 25 Jan 2002 10:42:44 -0200

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I've done a simple program like this:

module test
import StdEnv

pi :== 3.14159

Start = map equation [0.0,pi/2.0,pi,3.0*pi/2.0,2.0*pi]

equation x = (sin x)+(cos x)

And obviously it's worked.
But now, I want to pass the function (for example, (sin x)+(cos x)) through the command line. So, I could apply any function in that list without recompiling the program, for example, calling that as 
\>test ((tan x)-pi)
I know that getCommandLine will return the function as a String. So, how could I handle this String to apply the function in the list?

Thank you all!

Willer Alves

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I've done a simple program like this:

module test
import StdEnv

pi :== 3.14159

Start = map equation [0.0,pi/2.0,pi,3.0*pi/2.0,2.0*pi]

equation x = (sin x)+(cos x)

And obviously it's worked.
But now, I want to pass the function (for example, (sin x)+(cos x)) through the command line. So, I could apply any function in that list without recompiling the program, for example, calling that as
\>test ((tan x)-pi)
I know that getCommandLine will return the function as a String. So, how could I handle this String to apply the function in the list?

Thank you all!

Willer Alves
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