[clean-list] Re: Re: I AM LUNATIC (was: Easter Egg)

Siegfried Gonzi siegfried.gonzi@kfunigraz.ac.at
Sat, 15 Sep 2001 18:52:26 +0200

Siegfried Gonzi siegfried.gonzi@kfunigraz.ac.at schrieb:

> Please forget what I wrote in the thread "Easter Egg". I am completely
> mad, I think for me there is no hope.

I am not sure anymore, whether there is really no hope.

The follwoing file (named "aer.txt" in the enclosed program):

12.34	123.34	7.23	2.43	23.34
3.45	2.34	3.7	2.34	23.45
2.76	4.76	2.34	6.5	2.34
7.56	23.34	23.4	2.43	23.34

delivers on the Mac and Clean 1.3.1 after reading it in an array:


delivers on Windows NT 4 and Clean 1.3.3:


and on the SunOS 8 and Clean 1.3.3:


Enclosed the program. You can copy and paste it and on Unix you may have
to change probably the path-file name:

module arrayreadu
import StdEnv, StdFile

ReadArray:: {*{#Real}} !File -> {*{#Real}}
ReadArray marray file = ReadZeilen 0 marray file
     ReadZeilen:: !Int {*{#Real}} !File -> {*{#Real}}
     ReadZeilen i marray file
           | i == (size marray) = marray
           = ReadZeilen (i+1) (ReadSpalten 0 marray file) fileNextLine
                (line,fileNextLine) = sfreadline file
                ReadSpalten:: !Int {*{#Real}} !File -> {*{#Real}}
                ReadSpalten j marray file
                 | j ==  (size marray.[0]) = marray
                 #! (b,double,file) = sfreadr file
                 = ReadSpalten (j+1) { marray & [i,j] = double } file

CountLines:: !File -> !Int
CountLines file = ReadLines 0 file
      ReadLines:: !Int !File -> !Int
      ReadLines nLines file
            | sfend file = nLines
            #! (line,filerest) = sfreadline file
            = ReadLines (nLines + 1) filerest

ReadNLines:: !Int !File -> !File
ReadNLines n file
         | n == 0 = file
         #! (line, file) = sfreadline file
         = ReadNLines (n - 1) file
LinesArray:: !Int !Int !Int -> !Int
LinesArray ni NHeader nLines
         | (ni - NHeader) <= 0 = abort("Negative array index")
         = (ni - NHeader)

MakeArray:: !Int !Int -> {*{#Real}}
MakeArray ni nj
             | ni <=0 || nj <=0 = abort("Negative array index")
             =  {{0.0\\x <- [0..(nj-1)]}\\y <- [0..(ni-1)]}

Extract:: !String  !*Files -> ({*{#Real}},!*Files)
Extract inputfile file
         #! (readok, infile,file) = sfopen inputfile FReadText file
         | not readok = abort ("Cannot read")
         #! nLines = (CountLines infile)
         #! Ni = LinesArray (nLines-1) NHeader nLines
         #! marray = MakeArray Ni Nj
         #! infile = ReadNLines (NHeader) infile
         = ((ReadArray marray infile),file)

 // File name
inputfile :== "/home/sig/clean/aero.txt"
// Number of header lines
// Number of columns

Start:: *World  -> ({*{#Real}},*World)
Start world  = accFiles (Extract inputfile ) world

Is this a bug or an undocumendet strangeness? I am not a C expert and
therefore I have been not very interested in file streams and any
internals; but I didn't encounter any problems when I wrote file
handling programs in C on my Mac and run it on Windows; hence I am that
naive an expect this from Clean too.

Please notice: I didn't make an official bug report but I post it here.
I am not really sure whether it is a bug or I am not capable of handling
it appropiately.

S. Gonzi