[clean-list] Terminating strings

Pieter Koopman pieter@cs.kun.nl
Wed, 05 Sep 2001 14:07:08 +0200


At 12:14 05-09-2001 +0200, Siegfried Gonzi wrote:
>I have to deal with the following datas:
>12.34    12.34    54.33
>23.45    23.45    23.34
>56.3    133.3    00.443
>34.55    23.34    232.34
>45.6    23.34    67.67
>And I want that the read process aborts at the line "999":
>CountLines:: !File -> !Int
>CountLines file = ReadLines 0 file
>       ReadLines:: !Int !File -> !Int
>       ReadLines nLines file
>             | line == "999" = abort("999 reached")
>              #! (line,filerest) = sfreadline file
>             = ReadLines (nLines + 1) filerest
>but it doesn't treminate. If I print out to the console the "line", then I get
>("999",65...). StdFile says that sfreadline also reads the newline 
>delimiter. But I
>couldn't, in the complete Clean manuals, find the sign for the newline. 
>Maybe I have to
>include this mark for my string comparison:

The newline character is '\n'. Your function works fine if you replace 
"999" by "999\n".

Have fun,

Pieter Koopman