[clean-list] Passing an environment around

Hamilton Richards ham@cs.utexas.edu
Wed, 18 Oct 2000 11:29:15 -0500

At 5:12 AM -0200 10/18/00, Jos=E9 Romildo Malaquias wrote:
>I am implementing a Computer Algebra system (CALG) in Clean, and I have a
>problem I would like the opinion of Clean programmers.
>Let's take an example: the algorithm for addition will have two arguments t=
>be added and a third argument corresponding to the enviroment:
>   add :: Expr Expr Env -> Expr
>and its result will depend of the flags in the environment. But it is highl=
>desirable to define functions like add as BINARY INFIX OPERATORS. Having 3
>arguments, add cannot be made a binary operator!
>  --------------------------------------------------------------------
>  So I am looking for alternative ways to pass the environment around.
>  --------------------------------------------------------------------

>Would be other good alternatives to solve this problem?

Perhaps it would help to distinguish between (1) "the algorithm for
addition" and (2) the transformation of expressions involving addition. If
I don't misunderstand your problem, the environment is needed for the
transformation, and not for the addition.

Consider representing your expressions as elements of a recursive algebraic
type. For example (please excuse the Haskell syntax),

	data Expr =3D Lit (Maybe Float) | Var String | Add Expr Expr |
	            Sub Expr Expr | Mul Expr Expr | Pow Expr Expr

Then the expression

	a^2 + b^2 + 3*a*b - a*b

would be represented by

	Sub (Add (Add (Pow "a" 2) (Pow "b" 2)) (Mul (Mul 3 "a") "b"))
            (Mul "a" "b")

and translating ordinary infix expressions to instances of Expr is routine.

Then you'll have functions such as

	transform :: Expr Env -> Expr  -- uses the environment

	evaluate :: Expr -> Maybe Float  -- uses the algorithm for addition

and the issue of the arity of infix operators never arises.

Hope that helps,


Hamilton Richards, PhD           Department of Computer Sciences
Senior Lecturer                  Mail Code C0500
512-471-9525                     The University of Texas at Austin
Taylor Hall 5.138                Austin, Texas 78712-1188